DAVID MARCUS: Liberal media’s lies to protect Biden were even worse than you think

Sometimes in life, it is only once a crisis passes that we can truly see just how awful and harmful it was. This week, in these pages, Joseph Wulfsohn offered a long read, detailing the prevarications of the mainstream media in the Joe Biden era, and its complicity in the lie of the century.

You should read the whole damning thing, as only now journalists begin to admit their duplicitous role in propping up Biden. I applaud Wulfsohn for persevering. I would have thrown a coffee mug through my laptop about halfway through writing it out of sheer anger.


The story begins at the beginning with the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop, and here is what Marc Caputo, then at Politico, had to say about his coverage of the first son’s crime-scene-on-a-hard-drive being quashed:

“…I wrote what would have been a classic story…That story was killed by the editors. And they gave no explanation for that either,” Caputo said on the “Somebody’s Gotta Win” podcast.

I’d like to offer Caputo the explanation he was denied. You see, the people who signed Caputo’s checks back then, along with 90% of corporate media, wanted Donald Trump to lose and Biden to win. If that meant killing true stories and smearing honest journalists then so be it.

And it wasn’t just Politico burying the laptop. Wulfsohn has the receipts and shows that Jake Tapper and Brian Seltzer, who both still pontificate from CNN daily, also hid the story, as did NPR, and almost every major newspaper in the country that isn’t called the New York Post.

As bad as the lies surrounding the laptop were, they paled in comparison to what would come next, an all-out, no-holds barred effort by the liberal media to conceal Biden’s obvious and dangerous mental decline. 

Just weeks before Biden’s disastrous debate performance, NBC News was warning its viewers not to believe their lying eyes about Grandpa Joe’s decline, writing, “Experts have warned that while advanced technology like generative artificial intelligence can spread misinformation, so-called ‘cheap fakes’ that often use only minor or selective editing can be more effective at spreading false narratives.”

Never forget that they really tried to pull this on you.

And do not accept the Johnny-Come-Lately excuses we now hear from the exposed liars in the news media, such as the Manchester Guardian’s David Smith, who said recently, “There was perhaps, even on an unconscious level, the notion that if you focus so much on Joe Biden’s age, you are somehow helping Donald Trump.” 

An unconscious level? What the hell does this even mean? Biden would regularly stumble around a stage shaking hands with the air and all the liberal reporters in the country just couldn’t see it because they had some Freudian mind block, or something?

Here is how The New York Times’ Peter Baker addressed the lies about Biden fitness: “It’s very personal. Anybody who’s had a father or mother who is aged, and you talk to them by taking away their keys, these are not easy issues…I can sit down and make the case that we did too little about it. I can make the case we did too much. I can play it either way. But the truth is, it’s an important issue.”


This so-called journalist claims he can make the case that too much was made of Biden’s age in the media. It is abject madness, and it is infuriating, because it shows that they have learned absolutely nothing, and they plan to continue with their lies.

Hiding Biden’s infirmity, the fact that he was by no means actually in charge of the country, is the lie of the century. Every journalist who perpetuated it through their dishonesty or negligence should never work in the industry again.

The liberal news media, which is the vast majority of the nation’s news media, didn’t just get the laptop story wrong or simply miss the signs of Biden’s decline. They intentionally misled the American people in a desperate, dishonest, and thankfully failed, effort to defeat Trump. 

That is not forgivable.

Sadly, these Democratic Party propaganda machines posing as news outlets still have no shame or self awareness, and show no signs of righting their sinking ships. But the good news is that Americans are hip to the lies now, almost laughably so.

The liberal media can continue fooling itself, giving each other awards, talking gravely about the importance of truth in the age of Trump. But they themselves are the biggest liars of that age and now the American people, thanks in part to real journalists like Joseph Wulfsohn, damn well know it.


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